Publish channels

You must publish the channel each time you add new learning resources, update metadata, or change the topic tree structure.

To publish a channel, follow these steps.

  1. Click PUBLISH button in the upper right corner of the channel page.

  2. Describe the changes in this version of the channel.

    Version description dialog.

    Version description dialog.

  3. Click PUBLISH button in the lower right corner of the dialog.

  4. Click the REFRESH button to see the main channel edit page.

You will receive an email confirmation when the channel is published, and you can share the published channel with administrators at your facilities or the whole world: just copy the channel token and send it to them by email.

Confirmation email you will receive once channel is published.

Confirmation email you will receive once channel is published.


Remember to re-publish the channel each time you make changes or update resources. The channel ID/token remains the same but administrators will need to import it again into Kolibri, in order to make the changes and see the new content available on the devices in their facilities.